Goal Setting

“A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.” Mahatma Gandhi.

After you begin practicing shifting thoughts from negative to positive, positive thoughts come more quickly and easily. The process is similar to how exercise reshapes the body. The more you think positive thoughts, the stronger those neuro pathways become.

Confidence is a thinking pattern, a practice of choosing to believe positive statements about yourself and your abilities. Confidence affects not only how we feel but also how the brain acts. When you believe in your goal, and also your ability to achieve it, the systems of the brain fall in line. The opposite is also true:  start with doubt and the brain will give you reason to doubt.

Every time you catch yourself thinking negatively, replace the negative thought with a positive one.

Writing down the steps you’ll take to achieve your goal not only gives you a road map to success, but it also lets you see that the goal is possible, planting the seed of belief in your mind.

Write down at least four reasons why you believe you will reach your goal. Adopt a growth-mindset. A growth-mindset is one in which you believe that your abilities can improve through effort and experiment. We have the ability to choose what we believe.

1. Visualize your dreams/goals 2. Write them down 3. Take steps to make them real 4. Start even if you are unsure – you have to start 5. Take care of your body and mental health (you are gifted and a beautiful thing) 6. BELIEVE! 7. Tell fear – to go knock on someone else’s door!

Inventing your dream is the first and biggest step toward making it come true. Post a reminder of your goal where you’ll see it every day.

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