Tag: Blackfoot Ultra

Vulnerability leads to growth

It was while I was standing around nervously waiting for the 2016 CrossFit Games Open 16.1 workout to begin, that a friend mentioned that she had just watched Brene Brown’s TED Talk on vulnerability (The Power of Vulnerability). This gym buddy said growth happens when we make ourselves vulnerable. She also mentioned that she had gone to the bathroom three times since getting to the gym, yeah, we were terrified.

I put myself out there entering in 2016 and it was the most gruelling test of fitness and mental toughness I had ever experienced. There was a moment during one workout that I actually thought, “I wish I was just running 50 kilometres right now. That looks pretty good.”

But the next year I entered again. And I did even better. I have entered races – road, trail, 5 kilometres to ultra marathons – that continue to question, “where’s my limit.” And you know what? I continue to feel fear and, I grow.

I agree to teach classes that push me in a new direction (say yes and figure it out later) and continually take new courses/certifications. I’m so out of my comfort zone all the time, I don’t know what my comfort zone is.

Naturally I had to watch this TED Talk as soon as I could, out of curiousity and to justify why the heck I was putting myself through this.

I’m paraphrasing and taking liberties with some of Berne’s points:

Have the courage to be imperfect. Where are you holding back out of fear that you or what you create won’t be perfect? We strive for perfect – but it doesn’t work. We are imperfect and wired for struggle.

Fully embrace vulnerability. It’s not comfortable or excruciating but it’s necessary and it makes you beautiful.

Be willing to do something where there are no guarantees. There is no control or prediction of the outcome. But life would be boring if we always knew exactly what was going to happen. Has your life up to this point turned out exactly as you envisioned? The spouse, the career, the kids, etc?

Vulnerability is at the core of shame and fear and struggle for worthiness, but it appears that it’s also the birthplace of joy, creativity and of belonging.

Tenderness and vulnerability are important. Surrender and walk into it. I’ve had two major moments in a class where I felt especially vulnerable, revealing personal things that had incredible and unexpected results. Once as a student in a workshop, and another time as the teacher. The relationships grew out of these admissions and it allowed others to open up their own vulnerabilities.

We live in a vulnerable world. When we try to numb the feelings around vulnerability, we also numb joy, gratitude and happiness. To practice gratitude and joy in those moments of terror, instead of catastrophizing what might happen; to feel this vulnerable means “I’m alive”.

Work from a place that says, “I’m enough.” When we’re kinder and gentler to people around us, we’re kinder and gentler to ourselves.

Where are you holding back out of fear? What’s the thing you’ve been thinking about doing but don’t think you can? I challenge and encourage you right now to say, “damn it I’m going to do it.” Manifest a bigger, brighter future! Be vulnerable!

Chicago Marathon – an opportunity of a lifetime

The race

On Sun., Oct. 7 of this year, I ran the epic Bank of America Chicago Marathon. If you’re wondering, I finished 14,078th out of a record 44,571 runners who finished the 41st annual marathon this year. Okay maybe I didn’t actually win the race, but I feel like a winner having joined runners who trained and travelled from all 50 states and 100 different countries. We weaved through the streets of downtown Chicago and over 20 historic neighbourhoods including the West Loop, Up Town, Old Town, Logan Square, Lake View, Little Village, South Loop, Pilsen and Lincoln Square. Participants and spectators got to experience the history, culture, renowned architecture and vibrant spirit that make Chicago great.

The Bank of America Chicago Marathon is one of six Abbott World Marathon Majors (WMM). For runners across the globe, competing in a WMM race is a significant accomplishment. The other five majors are Tokyo, Boston, London, Berlin, and New York. The organization delivers several unique benefits to runners; unparalleled experiences – operational excellence at each race ensures a premium race-day journey for runners; Championship Series – professional athletes competing in AbbottWMM qualifying events compete for a prize purse every year; and, advancement of marathoning – AbbottWMM organizers aggressively champion anti-doping protocols and other efforts to move the sport forward.
Six Star Finisher Medal


In 2017, the Chicago Marathon brought out more that 1.7 million spectators and generated $282 million in economic impact. Since 2002, the race has raised more than $167 million for local, national and global charitable causes. You could see many runners on the course wearing the shirt of some charity that they had committed to training, running and raising money for. There were also categories for wheelchairs, handcycles and athletes with disabilities.

Anyone who has been to a race in whatever capacity, knows that there are pockets of spectators on the sidelines cheering for loved ones and strangers alike. While imagine that for a whole 26.2 miles/42.2 kilometres and in some areas densely packing whole sidewalks. Those signs, encouragement, music, and more, really do help buoy a runner through the tough times.

The course was marked in miles and kilometres. Countless volunteers handed out water and Gatorade and eventually bananas, energy chews and gels. At mile 21.2 there was the Biofreeze Relief Zone, an area where runners could move just off the course and receive external pain relief. Eyes were burning running through that area with the amount of Biofreeze in the air.

The full marathon took place on Sunday and there was also a five kilometre run on the Saturday. A two day race expo took place at McCormick Place, the largest convention center in North America. It consists of four interconnected buildings and one indoor arena. Yeah, we got lost trying to get out of the building. Some of the booths included Altra running shoes, lululemon, Maui Jim Sunglasses and Nike. My husband insists there were hundreds in line at the Nike check out many wanting to pick up Chicago Marathon clothing and the new FlyKnit 4% shoes. The Nike store downtown also had line ups outside the door going down the street. Race medals could be etched for free with your finish time. Attendees of the expo also got the chance to find out how long they could hang with Eliud Kipchoge’s 2:01:39 marathon speed for 200 meters on a 20-foot-long treadmill with some hilarious results (ie face plants). The treadmill is making stops at each of the World Marathon Majors races.

There were shuttle buses to the expo but finding the pick up stop proved difficult. We couldn’t get a satellite signal on our phones due to tall buildings. We walked in circles a bit before finding the bus.

Okay so I didn’t win the race, but who did? In the men’s division, Mo Farah from the UK. He used to run 5,000 and 10,000 m track but retired last year to pursue road racing. This was his third marathon and first U.S. marathon. A new personal record (PR) for him at 2:05:11. The first woman to cross the finish line was Brigid Kosgel from Kenya who finished at 2:18:35.

The days leading up to, and the morning of the race, was rainy. Not ideal and not a scenario I had pictured. I was worried about being wet, cold and slipping. But it didn’t seem to matter and a better option than the weather the following day which was 25C with high humidity.

The race began in Grant Park, located within the city’s central business district. It boosts 319 acres. The start/finish area was about a one mile walk from our hotel. The security was huge. My husband could only go so far with me before I was in a lineup being checked with security wands before being ushered to my corral where we had to stand for some time before our start. The whole day, you could see the security staff, police, Homeland Security and even military personnel.

For the elite runners a blue line is painted on the road marking the shortest route on the course. I tried my best to run here as well but in the end I weaved on the course so much I ran an extra mile +. I read this tip on a Facebook group prior to race day. Another helpful tip was to run on the carpeted areas of bridges to avoid the slippery metal crossings. The course is famous for being flat and fast, a great place to get a PR. It proved to be true until the last 400 m where there was a hill. I believe I muttered, “you’ve got to be kidding me,” at that point.

It’s the first finish line I’ve crossed and felt emotional. Partly because of relief to finally be able to stop running (I had a sore knee and feet by that point), but I also knew I was experiencing a moment that had built up for so long and this was it. As soon as it came it would pass too. They take care of you as you cross the finish line. First there are water bottles, second I had a man read the name on my bib and say, “Congratulations Michelle”, while he placed that race medal over my head. Reportedly Paula Radcliffe was handing out medals at the finish line too. I didn’t see her but Radcliffe is a British long-distance runner who won Chicago in 2002. Next came the bananas, followed by a bag of goodies from Mariano’s that included nuts, protein bars and coupons, then came the special edition Goose Neck beer.

When I got back to the hotel and assessed my condition before getting into a bath, I had four major blisters on my feet and a lot of chafing. Luckily my race package came with some great blister bandaids.

All around the streets post race, you could see people wearing their race shirts and medals. My husband joked that he could pick a runner out by the limping. The restaurants were packed with famished racers. We decided to order in our Chicago deep dish pizza, it took two hours they were so busy. The next day is also known as Medal Monday. So whether you were touring Chicago, headed back home or already back at work, many were proudly wearing their medal.

I’ve mentioned my husband in this blog but a huge shout out to him for being my biggest supporter and #1 fan. He lets me indulge in these travel runs and we truly enjoy each other’s company while experiencing new cities and making lifetime memories. I wouldn’t have achieved all that I have without him.

There was complete live TV coverage and live streaming. I also pre ordered a special edition and package Chicago Tribune. It included the day’s prior paper with articles about the race and special stories from some of the runners and the next day’s paper with race coverage and every runner who finished within six-and-a-half hours had their name in print.


Of course the backdrop to the marathon is the City of Chicago itself. By the time we were arriving via cab to our hotel downtown, it was dark. So, all the numerous towers and skyscrapers were lit up creating a magnificent skyline to be greeted with. Chicago’s skyline is among the world’s tallest and densest.

We stayed at Hotel Chicago Downtown. Located within the Marina City complex, it boasts a bowling alley, House of Blues Chicago and a ping pong bar.

Chicago is located on Lake Michigan, the third most populous city in the US with a population of 2,716,450. Metropolitan area has nearly 10 million people.

Landmarks include Millennium Park, Navy Pier, the Magnificent Mile, the Art Institute of Chicago, Museum Campus, the Willis (Sears) Tower, the Museum of Science and Industry, and Lincoln Park Zoo.

We took in two tours when not involved with the expo and run. The first was Untouchable: Chicago’s Original Gangster Tour. A hilarious and informative bus tour where guides are actors and take on the persona of 1920s gangsters. Our gangster guides presented an accurate account of the activities that were going on in Chicago during the 1920s and ’30s  (Prohibition Era).  We heard the exploits of Capone, Moran, Dillinger and the rest of the boys.  Some sites included: the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, the Biograph Theatre, and Holy Name Cathedral.

We had also booked a river cruise architecture tour. Highly trained and passionate volunteers provide a detailed narrative of Chicago’s various architectural styles and the stories of the people who designed and built the city.
The relaxing 90-minute tour features indoor and outdoor seating. The weather was perfect to sit on deck.

Any traveller who has been to the O’Hare Airport won’t be surprised to hear it is the world’s sixth-busiest airport, serving 79.8 million passengers in 2017. The entire O’Hare International Airport complex resides on over 7,200 acres. The plan is set to add over three million more square feet to the airport’s terminals, a new customs processing center in the Global Terminal, twenty five per cent more ramp space at gates to accommodate larger aircraft, reconstruction of gates and concourses (new concourses will be a minimum of 120 feet (37 m) wide), and increase the gate count from 185 to 235. In 2011, O’Hare became the first major airport to build an apiary on its property; every summer, it hosts as many as 75 hives and a million bees. The bees are maintained by 30 to 40 ex-offenders with little to no work experience and few marketable skills from the North Lawndale community. They are taught beekeeping but also benefit from the bees’ labour, turning it into bottled fresh honey, soaps, lip balms, candles and moisturizers marketed under the beelove product line; products are sold at stores and used by restaurants throughout both Chicago airports. O’Hare has used livestock, primarily goats, since 2013 to control vegetation in harder-to-reach areas or on steeper banks. In the summer of 2018, a mix of 30 goats, sheep, and a donkey named Jackson controlled buckthorn, garlic mustard, ragweed and various other invasive species. The livestock assist not only with vegetation removal and control, but also reduce hiding and nesting places for birds that may interfere with safe aircraft operations, and all without food expense or environmental damage.

There was a very major verdict that was handed down on the Friday that we were in Chicago. The anticipated possible outcome put many on edge and there were many officers on standby downtown near the courthouse. Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke was found guilty of second-degree murder in the 2014 shooting of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald.
Van Dyke, was also found guilty of 16 counts of aggravated battery with a firearm. Video of the shooting when it finally was released, led to protests, a Justice Department civil rights investigation, criticism of the mayor and, eventually, the ousting of the police superintendent. Groups of demonstrators took to the streets for several hours after the verdict, chanting, “The people united will never be defeated,” and “Sixteen shots and a cover up.”

City Hall and many downtown businesses closed early in anticipation of protests. Police said there had been no arrests but had the verdict been a different outcome, most likely the protests would have been much more heated. Even leading one to wonder what would have happened to the marathon taking place.

The city had been preparing for possible demonstrations in a case that already sparked protests. The shooting was captured on a grainy police dashcam video. Van Dyke said he fired in self-defense after McDonald lunged at him with a knife. But the dashcam video — which a judge ordered the city to release 13 months after the shooting — showed McDonald walking away from police, rather than charging at them.

Gentle yoga can take Mom through pregnancy, labour, delivery and beyond

I recently saw a DVD for sale at a store entitled “Prenatal Workout”. Not only is this not the time to “get into shape” or try to emulate some celebrity mother, but more than ever it is a time to honour your body. It’s a changing body and a time to honour the life growing inside of you.

Because an expectant mom is tired in the first trimester, a restorative or more slow/gentle yoga practice is most appropriate. Prone positions, that is poses on the belly, are now not recommended. It is important to keep the abdominal area quite passive and relaxed during this trimester. Also, avoid backbends and twists so as not to exacerbate the separation of the abdominal muscles. Otherwise it could be harder to recover these muscles postnatally.

In the second trimester a woman may have a return in energy and could resume a hatha yoga practice with an emphasis on low back stretches and hip and shoulder openers. Avoid deep forward folds (putting pressure on the xiphoid process, at the top of the abdomen, and causing discomfort).

In the third trimester a gentle practice is optimal with a concentration on hip stretches and more seated postures over standing. Exercises to help prepare for labour and delivery should be brought in as well as breathing and meditation to prepare for the great physical, mental and emotional states during labour and delivery.

The centre of gravity is shifted forward during pregnancy often leading to postural changes which may manifest as: pain in the low back and pelvic region; altered sense of balance; carpal tunnel syndrome; swelling; varicose veins; headaches; muscle cramping; light-headedness; upper back stiffness and weakness; fallen arches; abdominal muscle weakness; and, pelvic floor weakening. Yoga can be a valuable tool for pre and postnatal women.

A lot of emphasis can be put on strengthening the pelvic floor as pelvic organ prolapse where the uterus, bladder and/or rectum begin to descend, fall and potentially protrude externally, is present in about 70 per cent of women by the age of 70.

Adult colouring books have many benefits

According to Wikipedia: “An early adopter or lighthouse customer, is an early customer of a given company, product, or technology. Late majority adopt an innovation after the average participant. These individuals approach an innovation with a high degree of skepticism and after the majority of society has adopted the innovation. Late majority are typically skeptical about an innovation.

When it came to adult colouring books, I fell into the latter category. I had even been to a couple of “colouring parties”. Borrowing other people’s materials, believing it to be silly but still wanting the time spent with friends.

Having recently become a Certified Lifestyle Meditation Teacher, I thought adding a colouring book to my mindfulness/meditation practice would be a wonderful addition. Colouring in this way is often used in children’s yoga classes (a tool I have in fact used in teaching kids yoga).

Many occupational therapists prescribe colouring books and patients come back and tell them how beneficial they find them to be. A friend who recently had surgery and was laid up in bed, was able to pass the time with colouring books. When you need to shift focus or practice stress reduction, break these books out. They have so many uses and purposes that many are not aware of, beyond the obvious outcomes of beauty and enjoyment. Let’s look at their uses a little closer.

The “prescription” of adult colouring, stems all the way back to the late psychologist Carl Jung. He used it thinking it would help his patients access their subconscious and new self-knowledge. We now know that many psychologists suggest this to patients as an alternative to medication, as a means of relaxation, and as a calming tool. It can help the individual focus on the act of colouring intricate pictures for hours on end, vs. focusing on intrusive and troubling thoughts.

Adult colouring books can help with a number of emotional and mental health issues. For many, boredom, lack of structure, and stress are the greatest triggers they have. This applies to individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorders, anxiety disorders, stress disorders, depressive disorders, eating and binge eating disorders, anger management issues, and substance abuse issues. The time and focus that adult colouring takes, helps the individual remove the focus from the negative issues and habits, and focus them in a safe and productive way.

These activities can help tremendously with individuals with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and stress issues, as they calm down our amygdala. The part of the brain that controls our fight or flight response, and keeps individuals in a heightened state of worry, panic, and hyper-vigilance, when it is active. Colouring and focusing on this harmless and calming activity, can actually turn that response down, and let your brain have some much needed rest and relaxation. This can be an exceptionally productive and welcome outlet for these individuals.

Colouring also brings us back to a simpler time. An activity that can invoke the easier and happier times of childhood. A time when we did not have as many responsibilities, and could just do something because we wanted too, for the pure joy of it. To be able to tap into this time and these emotions is very cathartic and enjoyable. It can take you out of your present stresses and worries for even a few hours at a time, which can have an exceptionally recuperative effect.

Believe it or not, colouring has intellectual benefits as well. It utilizes areas of the brain that enhance focus and concentration. It also helps with problem solving and organizational skills. Our frontal lobes are responsible for these higher level activities and functions of the brain, and colouring detailed pictures activates all those properties.
Colouring utilizes both hemispheres of the brain, right and left. When we are thinking about balance, colour choices, applying coloured pencil to paper, we are working on problem solving and fine motor skills.

This is another method of practicing mindfulness, which has therapeutic and health benefits. This can help us replace negative thoughts with positive and pleasant ones. Doing therapeutic artwork can help reduce feelings of anxiety and unpleasantness associated with lengthy medical treatments. The focus we place on the project at hand, and on an object can replace negative and unhelpful thoughts from entering our minds. The step of acting and doing vs. observing is a powerful deterrent to focusing on physical or emotional pain.
Adult colouring books clearly help serve many purposes that are beneficial. They can be focused, therapeutic, relaxing, calming, problem solving, and organizational. Head down to your local bookstore, discount department store or dollar store and find a colouring book that appeals to you and some nice coloured pencils. And don’t forget that you’ll now have beautiful artwork which you can hang on your fridge!

Kids and adults need play

I recently became a certified kids yoga teacher. One of the first questions that was put to each of us as we went around the circle was, “How do you play?” I couldn’t think of anything I do as play. Everything is work even though I enjoy work. I thought back to childhood and even then I seemed to make work for myself, perhaps a symptom of being an only child.

When I got home I immediately ordered from my library book list The Kidult Handbook from Blanket Forts to Capture the Flag, a Grownup’s Guide to Playing Like a Kid.

Play is good for your spirit, body and mind. It’s good for your relationships, work and social life. Children naturally play but soon it’s “don’t play with your food”, “don’t play in your good clothes”, “don’t play in the rain”.

Play clears the mind, it’s good for your health, it allows you to connect to others, it allows you to lighten up, it brings balance to your life, you discover things about yourself, it can often take you outside, it encourages curiousity and discovery, it exercises your creative thinking and problem solving skills and best of all, play is enjoyable!

There are four parts to a kids yoga class; breathe, games, poses and relaxation.

Breathing exercises (disguised in a playful way) calm and nourish the central nervous system, increases energy and focus, improves blood circulation, reduces symptoms of stress and relieves pain.

Games are at the heart of a kid’s yoga class. It may not look like a traditional yoga class where adults are confined to their sticky mats but rather engaging the children in creative play and thinking to stimulate the secretion of dopamine and DHEA. These positive chemical messengers build brain cells and improve mood. Games also build cooperative skills working with a partner or in a group. Also, games simply get kids moving their bodies. Many children (and adults) are movement malnourished.

The yoga poses look much like adult poses with some fun new twists and names. The poses help develop flexibility, strength, balance, cardiovascular fitness, play and confidence. Physical health is also promoted and a positive attitude towards exercise and their bodies. Children’s creative imagination and self expression are also encouraged through the poses.

Relaxation promotes inner listening and reflection. It slows the brain waves, allowing the nervous system to recharge and the brain to process and integrate information.

Don’t be surprised to hear all kinds of music and songs in a children’s class and many fun props are often used. A theme may even be carried throughout the whole class. Crafts and colouring can be used, which are great mindfulness activities.

Don’t just let the kids have all the fun, get out there and find your play!

Love of yoga to be celebrated on International Day of Yoga

Happy Day of Yoga! International Day of Yoga is celebrated annually on June 21 since its inception in 2015 when it was declared unanimously by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his UN address suggested the date of 21 June as it is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and shares special significance in many parts of the world. In his address he said, “It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and nature. By changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help in well being.” This resolution was supported by 175 countries, including USA, Canada and China. This proposal has the biggest number of co-sponsors in the history of any UNGA resolution of such nature.

Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice attributed mostly to India where it began more than 5,000 years ago. The word ‘yoga’ derives from Sanskrit and means to join or to unite, symbolizing the union of body and consciousness. Today it is practiced in various forms around the world and continues to grow in popularity.

Nowadays yoga has become very popular as a system of physical exercise all over the world. It is a popular activity among athletes, children and seniors too. Yoga has been proven to lower blood pressure and increase strength and flexibility. Yoga energizes our bodies and calms our minds. So let us add Yoga in our lives and stay healthy.

There are different kinds of yoga including; Hatha Yoga: a system of different physical exercises, Karma Yoga: actions done without any desire of the results, Mantra Yoga: chanting of certain sounds, Bhakti Yoga: devotional yoga, Gyana Yoga: gyana means knowledge and reality is discovered through insight, practice and knowledge using discriminative intelligence, Raja Yoga: sometimes called the “Royal Yoga” is inclusive of all yogas, and its philosophy goes beyond the boundaries of the many styles of yoga. Today it emphasizes the benefits of meditation for spiritual self-realization and the purposeful evolution of consciousness.

Also, there are eight limbs in yoga; Yama – Self-control, Niyama- Discipline, Asana – Physical exercises, Pranayama – Breath exercises, Pratyahara – Withdrawal of the senses from external objects, Dharana – Concentration, Dhyana – Meditation and, Samadhi – Complete Realization.

So celebrate International Day of Yoga by visiting a local yoga studio, practice at home with a DVD, online class or searching your t.v. You could even head out-of-doors to drop into downward facing dog. Invite a friend to yoga, meditate, do yoga somewhere different, at work you could practice some office yoga right at your chair, you could wear your yoga, try a new style or maybe read a book about yoga.

International Day of Yoga is not to be confused with World Yoga Day.

Michelle Anderson

Always Challenging – Blackfoot Ultra Marathon

I recently ran my second Blackfoot Ultra Marathon. This year I ran the Baby Ultra, a 25 kilometre (km) loop. Last year, I ran the loop twice in the 50 km Ultra. I thought after a “regular” marathon of 42.2 km, what’s another 8 km, right? Ha! Boy was I wrong.

Running trail is a different beast from running road. Especially when it’s a hilly course like the Blackfoot. If I remember correctly the website boasts that the course contains “100 hills good for building nice butts,” or something like that. Trail takes a lot longer than road. Adjust your expectations. So, approximately for this runner, four hours for 42 km on road equals 7.5 hours for 50 km on trail.

A secret in ultra marathons is there is a lot of walking, power hiking and food to be eaten. Oh the food at the water stations knows no bounds. In addition to the usual fruit, water and electrolyte replacer, I’ve witnessed (and indulged in some) cookies, bacon, cookies-with-bacon, Twizzlers (personal favourite), grilled cheese, pizza, chicken nuggets, pop, pickles, chips, and more than I can remember. Calories are needed with choices between sweet and salty, depending on what the body needs/craves. These stations would not be possible without the volunteers who are hands down the best and the zaniest. Think costumes.

Part of the registration requires entrants to provide four hours of volunteer time at a self propelled individual sporting event. It can be in your local area and can encompass anything from volunteering at a running race, triathlon, cross country ski race, trail maintenance, coaching or officiating a school track team, river valley clean up, etc. This is a mandatory requirement as Friends of Blackfoot “believe all runners should give back a little”.

My first year I volunteered at one of the aid stations of the Canadian Birkebeiner Ski Race. I got into a car at 6 a.m. with a load of strangers to drive out to a remote location in the middle of winter and hand out such things as pickles and hot chocolate. My husband worried for my safety but I assured him “they’re runners, they’re fine”. And I was right. In fact I soon made new friends. Insert sigh.

The second year I spent an evening handing out race packages to participants of the Run Wild in St. Albert. I have wanted to volunteer for a race and give back for some time so I couldn’t have been happier.

All competitors of the Blackfoot Ultra must carry at a minimum a 600 ml. water bottle throughout the course. The 100 km starts at 5 a.m. and requires four loops of the 25 km course; the 50 miler starts at 6:30 with 5 km out and back then 3 loops, the 50 km starts at 9 a.m., 25 km at 11 a.m. Kids Ultra (double at 8 km) at 2 pm, Kids Ultra (4km) at 2:15, Canine Ultra (new in 2018 and runs 10 km) at 4. Funds from the Canine Ultra went towards Strides for Stroke. One of the three Race Directors (RD) of this race, Amber Poliquin, had a stroke in August of 2017.  It took seven days in hospital, permanent loss of left peripheral vision, and months of rehab to get to where she is today.  Instead of focusing on the why, Amber is training to run in the Fat Dog 120 Mile Ultramarathon in August 2018 and wants to raise $1,000 per mile.  All this funding will go towards research for a University of Alberta scientist who is working hard to develop a blood test that could diagnose strokes within 30 minutes.  Currently only five per cent of strokes are diagnosed in a timely manner.

The dogs and their humans had three hours total to do it.  And the furry ones got a homemade treat of peanut butter, bacon, banana, and doughnuts. Confession time: I saw these doughnuts in the snack shack after finishing and with no idea at the time they were for the dogs, seriously considered if I could take one. It was a help yourself to pop, Dairy Queen Dilly Bars and smokie accoutrements so I wondered if I should take one or where they were being handed out. They looked amazingly delicious! Glad I had restraint.

The route direction alternates each year between clockwise and counterclockwise. This makes the experience, (and pain) different. Another interesting addition this year was that Blackfoot hosted the 50 Miles 2018 Canadian Trail Championships and they lived up to their name.  New course record of 6:32:01 by Alex Petrosky.  Even more amazing was second place, 2 minutes behind and 3rd place 10 minutes behind.  For the women Roslyn Bergen won in a good time of 8:03.12.  Roslyn was officially second in women but the first winner Adele Salt holds a British passport and not Canadian in terms of championships.

Like every race there’s cool swag. This year a t-shirt, last year a running vest. There have also been tights, hats, sleeves and flip flops. In 2018 we also received finishing medals (note I’ve run races just for a particularly cool medal).

I arrived an hour before race time as my running buddy reminded me we’d have to park a ways away and walk into the Islet Lake Staging Area. The 25 km was the last major race to go out so there would be a lot of cars parking on the road leading in. By the end of the day the cars are so covered in dust from passing cars on the gravel road, a wash is in order.

Once there, there’s time to put on sunscreen, bug spray, store a drop bag (honour policy you can just leave it anywhere and it’s safe) load up whatever supplies you’ll be carrying on your run, and of course, those last trip/s to the outhouse.

Before we could get going we were gathered for a pre race meeting by RD Gary Poliquin. Racers are reminded that they will not be allowed on course without their own water, course is well marked and code of the trail; if someone’s hurt, you stop and offer help. I felt the code about 6 km in when I took a tumble and a gentlemen beside me stopped and asked me if I was okay. Only thing hurting at the time was my ego. Other than a hand and knee, my water bottle and hat brim took the blow.

Gary asks how many are Blackfoot virgins. To which his young daughter asked, “what’s that mean?” They were to chat later.

For the 50 km my friend and I planned (and executed) to walk all the hills. We spent more time at the food stations stretching and eating then I did this year. This year I decided to run my own race and run it differently then last year. I decided to run more and walk less and didn’t spend time at the food/water stations other than a quick orange slice and cup of water. I felt good for a long time but the course direction this year meant a lot of steep hills at the end so the last 6 km or so, were a grind. I went in hoping for a three hour finish and ended up with a 2:41 finishing 20th out of 84 entries. I have to be happy.

Upon finishing I grabbed some more water and fruit, but even better was the bison smokie, Dilly Bar and full strength pop (I only drink diet usually but a Mug root beer looked amazing).

Course closes at 7 pm (all runners must start their last loop by 3 pm). Weather is always a wildcard with any race. There was a year at Blackfoot that people were pulling out and being pulled off with frostbite. The two years I’ve been participating it’s been quite warm.

Interesting to note there are 400 racers and a waiting list, there are slightly more women than men racing and 2018 was the16th anniversary of the race.

Very helpful is to go out for some training run/s before to get a feel for the course and what to expect and plan for. There are some organized group runs before to company can also be found.

The Blackfoot Ultra is a quality trail ultra marathon race in the Edmonton area held at the Cooking Lake Blackfoot Provincial Recreation area. The group that the Blackfoot Ultra supports is the “Friends of Blackfoot”.  This group of dedicated volunteers and Park staff keep the trails in top shape during all seasons of the year.

The 97 square kilometre Cooking Lake-Blackfoot Provincial Recreation Area contains forests, pastures and wetlands. It is a multiple use area that supports a variety of activities, including agriculture, wildlife management, natural gas extraction and outdoor recreation.