How to make the most of your home yoga practice

Whether by choice or COVID restrictions, you may find yourself rolling out your yoga mat at home these days. It can be challenging but not impossible to move, stretch and strengthen while at home.

You only need to clear enough space as your mat takes up. If you have yoga props such as blocks, strap or bolster, make sure to round them up before you start. If you don’t have these props, get creative, even a dog leash works as a yoga strap in a pinch.

Sit down and explain to the people you live with, how important it is for you to be able to carve out the space and alone time to practice. Have all your points well thought out before hand. If you need yoga to help your mental health, stress that to your loved ones, and that when you’re in a better place life is better for them too. Maybe make a deal to exchange alone time; they protect your time so you can get a session in and you give them alone time to pursue their interest or hobby.

Maybe your home practice could include your partner or kids or the whole family. Know your intention for your practice. Is it to be alone? Could you use some “date” time with your partner? Do you need to connect as a family? Does your family need to move their bodies more? There’s also something to be said about an accountability buddy. You might even commit to a virtual practice with a friend.

Put it into your schedule just as if you were leaving the house and going to a public class. Change into that same outfit you’d wear and fill “that” water bottle so you feel your best.

Check in with your body and what kind of practice it needs. A more vigorous style perhaps vinyasa or a strength building, or, maybe you need a quieter practice of yin or restorative yoga.

Think of the five senses when setting up your practice space. What do you want to be looking at? Can you set up in front of a window? Is there an inspirational photo, quote or object you could have within view? Would you like to light a scented candle, incense, turn on a diffuser or rub some essential oils on your wrists? Would dimming the lights help set the scene? You might like some quiet music or maybe noise cancelling is what you’re after. Depending on the time of day you practice, you may like to bring your morning brew or a breakfast juice, later in the day some lemon water or chamomile tea. Wearing comfortable clothes is a given but you might bring a blanket and pillow for relaxation. Leave your phone in another room and anything else that may distract you.

Don’t think all or nothing. It doesn’t have to be a 90 minute practice seven days a week. Do you have five minutes one day, 20 minutes another day? Consistency is more important than anything. Once a week, five times a week? Make sure it aligns with your schedule.

Remember why you started and have reasonable expectations for your home practice. If you set the bar too high and then are disappointed, you may give up and I would never want that 🙂

I can help with your at-home practice. Michelle Anderson Fitness & Yoga Online Studio is an on-demand platform with a low monthly membership fee, no contracts. Head over to to get started today.

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