Leap into silence – a silent retreat

I recently attended a silent yoga retreat. It was four days long and I had been curious for awhile so this seemed like the right one for me.

The party sort of kicked off the night before I left. My husband and I had the privilege of seeing Randy Bachman in concert. Held at Festival Place in Sherwood Park, it’s an intimate setting and we were in the front row enjoying great hits from the Guess Who and Bachman Turner Overdrive (BTO). So while some people were in complete silence during the retreat and had surrendered their phones and ipads, I must confess, at times while alone in my room, I was inspired to listen to some of these hits with my earbuds.

The morning after the concert, picked up my friend and fellow yoga teacher Amie. She had moved to Denver a year ago so I don’t have much chance to see her. I was really looking forward to this trip with her.

Then, we met two other friends and attendees to all drive down together. We managed to cram all personal items and yoga props into the back of one person’s car and headed off.

The retreat was being held just outside Caroline, Alberta so we decided to stop at The Village at Pigeon Lake for lunch and a bit of a look around at the quaint shops.


Lots of conversation during the drive meant sometimes we missed turn offs but quick turn arounds eventually led us to the gates of the Sanctum Retreat. Opened in 2004, the retreat is nestled in the rolling foothills four km west of Caroline, and the grounds boast 100 acres of land.

Upon arriving, our host and teacher Marla Erickson met us and after going through a brief tour and logistics, it was some free afternoon time. Marla is from Empower ME Yoga out of Ottawa and travels to Alberta quite often to offer her yin yoga teachings – and we were all familiar with her.

Later when everyone gathered for supper, there were many reunions. After supper was our first session with Marla and brief introductions around the circle. The session concluded with the beginning of the silent part of the retreat. Some women even handed over their phones and ipads for the weekend. I think with some preparation sometime in the future at another silent retreat, I would give up my devices also.

Friday and Saturday’s schedule was the same. Morning meditation, meals, three sessions with Marla and free time. Massage sessions could be booked during free time (I’m so glad I indulged). Other activities I enjoyed were walking, reading and napping.

Saturday had a couple of surprises. The afternoon’s yin/restorative practice had Lisa Virtue providing sound therapy with the playing of singing bowls. In the end, in shavasana, I even had one placed on my abdomin – very cool.

That evening we had a fire ceremony, burning notes of what we want to rid from our lives and what we we’re inviting in. We also had a small paper bag with things we had collected from nature. A dance party followed.

During the retreat I couldn’t help but think of the movie The Shape of Water. My husband and I had recently watched it. The main character was mute. She could hear but not talk. Just like us. In the movie she said something to the effect that she wasn’t whole because she couldn’t talk. I felt just the opposite. I was whole only speaking and listening to myself.

Marla had warned us that come Tuesday we may be feeling repercussions of the weekend. My experience came Monday. I needed to do a grocery shop, while walking around the store I started to develop a headache and was overwhelmingly tired. I napped when I got home and then headed back out for a dental appointment. Again, I wasn’t feeling well after being out. Perhaps too much stimulation for the senses.

And yes, all this was done, and is possible, in silence. Silence is golden. Silence is a gift. It took the pressure off to just be. Most of what we say doesn’t come across as we want anyhow. You know what the sound of silence is? It’s your inner voice you hear. Your true essence, your heart.

From Christina Aguilera’s song: The Voice Within “When there’s no one else, look inside yourself, like your oldest friend, just trust the voice within, then you’ll find the strength, that will guide your way, you’ll learn to begin, and trust the voice within.”

Become the silent witness – watch and learn.

I’m thinking I’d love a week long silent retreat in the future now.


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