Unite the feminine to improve the world

“When women get together as a group, it is immensely powerful,” Annie Lennox.

So true, yet why don’t we see this? Because our culture pits women against each other. Womens’ value is weighted primarily on how they look; and finding a partner is central to one’s life meaning. This equals competition, and in fact it encourages women to dislike and disconnect from “pretty” women because they will “steal” their man. These women become threats and cannot be trusted. All of this hurts women and does not unite.’’

The following are excerpts from the 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams:

“…the Planetary Family is restored when the women can feel safe anywhere and anytime. When this occurs, the nurturing of children’s dreams is taken care of by women who have become extensions of the Earth Mother and thus Mothers of the Creative Force. Through the nurturing of healed women, the spiritual health and well-being of the next seven generations is assured.”

“The Sisterhood grows strong when every woman sees every other woman as an equal part of the whole. There is no room for pecking order in a circle of women… every woman is asked to do her part by developing her gifts, talents and abilities. Each woman is acknowledged for the work she contributes to the whole. She leads through example. Each woman is required to face the limitations, fears and challenges within herself and to heal those parts of her self in order to become the living personification of her personal vision.”

“When each woman honours herself, more raw, creative energy is available to be used by the whole to affect changes in the way humankind reacts to life. When women are no longer lost, asking others to tell them what they should do or how to live, there will be great changes in our world. The support of other women who have walked the same path is paramount. This kind of support is based in truth and delivered with caring – without projections or judging one another. That kind of support is healthy and productive, when other women create a safe space in which to share personal thoughts and offer alternatives in a respectful way. The Sisterhood always supports every woman who is willing to surmount her own challenges in order to grow.”

“One way we can balance the male and female sides of our nature is through developing our skills, putting ourselves out in the world in order to make a difference in the lives of others we encounter. Through example, we can show others how to love unconditionally, be their personal best, drop the need to control or belittle, and show compassion.”

“To gather the gifts – and to develop them as our own – we must see other women as role models. This is not to put the women who have developed a certain gift on a pedestal, because they too are human and will fall. Every human being is perfect in her or his imperfections and has a right to learn through trial and error. In admiring how another woman uses the gifts she has developed, we can then see how she handles situations in her life. It may not be how we would do it ourselves, but it gives us one alternative to look at without judging it as right or wrong. Being the observer of several women who have certain gifts that we want to develop within ourselves can give us a multitude of new ideas and ways to approach life.”

“We are only as accomplished as those we choose as our role models or teachers.”

“Today, there are many ways to find role models. We can find the information or resources we need through books, seminars, schools, or libraries. We can make it our priority to develop new ways to look at our lifestyles and our environment. We can develop skills through sharing or helping another accomplish a task. We can ask that the right person or situation be put in our paths so we can observe alternatives. Everything in life is our teacher and everything is alive. The discovery of that aliveness is the adventure that life offers us on a minute-to-minute basis. Our main task is to be aware of every moment in order to take advantage of the opportunities presented.”

“Observing and listening, making sure we understand, and then taking action is the balanced path to developing any talent or accomplishing any goal.”

“We gather the gifts of women when we allow all persons to make their own choices about who and what they want to be and then allow them to find a path that suits their personality and unique way of learning those skills. The purity of the loving feminine principle is based in unattached guidance giving proper boundaries and at the same time providing a fertile ground for developing the seeds of potential.”

“We can no longer separate the female and male principles within ourselves, because one without the other will leave us stranded on the shores of the future without the means to become our personal visions. Gathering the gifts of women and bringing those gifts home to our hearts means acknowledging both sides of our nature and investing both sides with goodness. Negative judgements will divide the natural marriage of our thoughts (feminine) and actions (masculine) that gives us the abilities we need to accomplish our goals.”

“Every human being who accomplishes the task of becoming her or his personal vision will become a role model for others, whether she or he is aware of it or not. The more gifts we gather and the more skills we develop, the more enlightenment we are able to share with others.”

We need to push back and stop going along with the idea that our worth is found in our appearance in order to change the world and make things better for all of us. Unite and deliver your gifts to the group, work together to make this beautiful earth a peaceful home for everyone.

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