Seeing improvement in running ability takes time and consistency. It’s inevitable that habits will get interrupted by everyday occurrences. This applies to everyone from beginners to elites, and nobody is immune to the fact that running can often be a grind (but it’s all worth it in the end, as we know).
Reduce the obstacles: You’re not weak if you miss a run. Rather than beat yourself up and adding guilt, figure out your obstacles and how you can reduce them. Examples might be to set your clothes out or even sleep in them for that early morning run, know your run, choose the best time of day for yourself, make a commitment to a friend or group that you’re going to show up, enlist your family to motivate or remind you, make sure you’re rested, fuelled and hydrated so you have energy. Figuring these things out may mean you require less discipline.
Change your thinking from going for a run to being a runner: What do runners do? Don’t judge yourself and compare to others, their life stresses aren’t the same as yours. Being kinder to yourself and making the path to running more straightforward will be more fun and more sustainable.
Make time: Running doesn’t have to take much time out of your day unless you’re not making time for it and just trying to cram it in. We all make time for what’s important to us.
Look forward: Identify why you want to run. De-stress, connect with nature, maintain your health or finish a race?
Consistency: Try to run on the same days, the same amount and same time.
Plan your training ahead
Clearly prioritize your commitments so you can truly focus: Our biggest challenge to productivity isn’t always that we don’t have enough time but that we have too many distractions.
Sprinkle in some fun: Whether it’s jazzing up your playlist, taking a whimsical detour on your route, or challenging a friend to a friendly sprint-off, a hint of joy can transform habits from mundane to magical. This week, challenge yourself to see your habitual runs with fresh, playful eyes.
“Make your habits your joy, not just your duty.”
– Unknown