13 isn’t bad luck: Here are 13 benefits to strength training over the age of 50

1. Rebuild muscle. That’s right, studies have shown that a program of resistance training for even three to four months can rebuild muscle in people 50 to 90 years of age.

2. Recharge metabolism. Your metabolism rate increases energy use both during exercise and in recovery.

3. Reduces fat. ‘Nuff said.

4. Reduces resting blood pressure.

5. Improves blood lipid levels. Up with the good cholesterol and down with the bad cholesterol.

6. Enhances post coronary performance. That means speeding recovery from a cardiovascular event.

7. Diabetes resistance. People who have desirable body weight and higher levels of muscular fitness have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

8. Increases bone density. That means a strong and injury-free musculoskeletal system.

9. Decreases physical discomfort. Areas include lower-back pain, arthritis and fibromyalgia.

10. Enhances mental health.

11. Revitalizes muscle cells. The fountain of youth for muscle tissue.

12. Reverses physical frailty. Do you want to be able to get up and down stairs and go to the bathroom by yourself?

13. Helps in the fight against cancer. There are a variety of health and fitness benefits during and after cancer treatment including reduced fatigue and increased muscle strength.

Message me today if you’re wanting to start a strength training program.

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