Get excited about your life again by balancing this chakra

It’s day 77 of being shut in for the most part; more or less because of COVID-19. Have you taken inventory of how you are feeling? Physically, mentally, emotionally?

Has your energy felt off in one or more areas of your life? Are you specifically finding it hard to even get excited about being excited? Are you trying to remember how to get going again? If you find yourself in these situations then it may be time to take a look at your sacral chakra, the second chakra, and getting it back in line so you can enjoy the full beauty and benefits of life and all it has to offer. And there is still so much life has to offer.
The second chakra, the sacral chakra, is in the lower abdomen (couple inches below the navel) and it’s main focus is allowing the individual to discover what they enjoy; to form hobbies. It is in this chakra that we design the life we want. It is the sensation of being physically alive and creating the life you desire. This chakra is all about having the power to realize and utilize your talent to express the life you want to lead. It symbolizes our creative potential. Passion is the fuel of creative energy. Everything you create (a poem, a drawing, or a website), originates from the energy of second chakra.

A balanced second chakra has the ability to take risks and have the resilience to recover when things go wrong. Remember that nobody is perfect, all human beings are beautifully flawed.

Imbalance in the sacral chakra can manifest into low confidence, lack of motivation, inability to create intimate connections with others, lack of interest in self expression or artistic abilities. An under-active sacral chakra can show up as fear of pleasure, lack of creativity, feeling fatigued, lack of desire, not authentic to yourself, insecurity and detachment.

One of the most positive things about balancing sacral chakra is that all it really requires is for you to do more of what makes you happy. It’s doing all the simple things, dance and sing like no one’s watching or do simple exercises regularly like yoga or just go for a run.

You can balance your sacral chakra by keeping a journal to help let go of any negative emotions and know that only you can create the life and loving relationships that you want.

You could also try meditation and visualize the colour orange (which is the sacral chakra’s colour), and most importantly, let go. Learning to let go of unhealthy emotions, people, and memories is crucial as you are letting go of your negative emotional baggage and making space and energy for better opportunities in life.

Mantras are very powerful. You might resonate with any of the following or come up with one of your own:
• “I know I can embrace change and make the best of my future.”
• “Every day, I experience more and more joy and satisfaction.”
• “I am full of inspiration and the potential for creation.”

You can connect with water. The sacral chakra is highly influenced by the element of water. A warm bath or shower can also help aid in balancing your sacral chakra. Aromatherapy can be a powerful and simple tool for opening and balancing your sacral chakra. You could combine these two with this simple recipe for a sugar scrub.

Sugar scrub

You will need:
• 1/2 cup coconut oil
• glass bowl
• 1 cup granulated sugar
• 12-15 drops of essential orange oil (I use 15 drops of my favourite oil – doTerra Wild Orange)
• mason jar or other glass jar

Melt the coconut oil in a glass bowl in the microwave for about 30 seconds and let it cool briefly. Stir in the sugar and essential oil until combined. Package in airtight glass jar.

To use, gently massage a small amount into your skin in the shower. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry. Store the sugar scrub in a cool, dry place for up to six months.

So if months of social isolation has stifled your creativity or taken the joy out of life, try the above suggestions until you find your joie de vivre again!

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